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Reactive Streams
Reactive Streams是一个规范,定义了处理异步数据流的标准,包括了发布者(Publisher)、订阅者(Subscriber)、订阅(Subscription)、处理 器(Processor)等核心接口和规则。 它为异步编程提供了一个统一的基础,解决了背压(Back Pressure)等问题。
Java 9 Flow API
此外,Java 9引入的java.util.concurrent.Flow与Reactive Streams在语义上是1:1等价的。
JDK9 java.util.concurrent.Flow
The interfaces available in JDK >= 9 java.util.concurrent.Flow, are 1:1 semantically equivalent to their respective Reactive Streams counterparts. This means that there will be a migratory period, while libraries move to adopt the new types in the JDK, however this period is expected to be short - due to the full semantic equivalence of the libraries, as well as the Reactive Streams <-> Flow adapter library as well as a TCK compatible directly with the JDK Flow types.
Project Reactor
而Project Reactor则是这个规范的一种具体实现。它提供了Reactive Streams规范接口的不同实现,以及一组符合 规范的操作符,从而让开发者能够方便地进行响应式编程。
有关Project Reactor的书很少,分享一本免费的在线电子书。
RxJava 3是一个基于观察者模式的Java编程库,用于实现异步、基于事件的程序。作为Reactive Streams规范的实现之一,RxJava 3遵循了 Reactive Streams的接口和协议。