
「Spring Start Here」读书笔记📒


一直很稀奇,为何Spring这个流行的框架,社区中没有产出香Rails Tutorials那么高质量的入门实作读物。


public class HelloController {

  public String hello() {
    return "Hello!";


The @RestController annotation registers the bean in the context and tells Spring that the application uses this instance as a web controller.


Software architecture and its evolution is such a fantastic and complex subject. I don’t think there’ll ever be too many books to cover this subject thoroughly. I’ve added this discussion to the book to help you understand the references I’ll make to these notions. Still, you might want to go deeper into the subjects, so here’s a list of books from my shelf. The books are in the order I recommend you read them.

  1. Microservices in Action
  2. Microservices Patterns
  3. Spring Microservices in Action
  4. Microservices Security in Action
  5. Monolith to Microservices